Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Medicine Cat, Queen and kits

Today we have our medicine cat Leafdapple join us. Also we have our first queen staying in the nursery with her kits, her name is Bluemist and her kits names are Snowkit, Violetkit and Mistykit. Echospots you will show them around.

Leafdapple, Bluemist, Violetkit, Snowkit, Mistykit, Leafdapple, Bluemist, Violetkit, Snowkit, Mistykit

Monday, November 29, 2010

New Warriors

Two cats have decided to join our clan, their names are Leopardclaw and Echospots. Leopardclaw wishes to be deputy so she will be deputy and Echospots will be a warrior, Onefall can you show Echospots around and I'll show Leopardclaw around.

Leopardclaw, Echospots, Leopardclaw, Echospots

Fist clan member

Today we have our first clan member Onefall, he will be a warrior.
Onefall, Onefall, Onefall

Join Spark Clan

Spark Clan has a love for heat so we live in the desert and we have new and good ideas. If you want to join Spark Clan just fill out this form.

Kits (optional):
Mate (optional):

Name: Flameheart
Rank: warrior
Gender: tom
Description: bright orange tom with blue eyes
Personality: sharp tongue but loves to have fun 
Kits (optional): none
Mate (optional): wants one
Pic: http://fc03.deviantart.com/fs27/f/2008/081/8/2/Kitten_Eyes_by_JessicaM.jpg