Sunday, January 2, 2011

Head Warrior, New Warriors, Apprentices, and Medicine Cat

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the briar branch for a clan meeting. Silverpaw and Stonepaw it's time for you to receive your warrior names. Silverpaw do you promise to uphold the warrior code even at the cost of your life?" Silverpaw replies "I do." "Then from this moment on you will be known as Silverfrost in honor of your loyalty and your open heart." Sparkstar says. "Stonepaw do you promise to uphold the warrior code even at the cost of your life?" Stonepaw says "I do." "Then from this moment on you will be known as Stoneclaw in honor of your loyalty and your bravery. I have decided our new head warrior shall be Rainstorm. I have asked him and he will. As all of you know Flamepaw is the medicine cat apprentice and she has finally go her full name it is Flameangel. A few more things, we have a new apprentice joining us his name is Shadowpaw, his mentor is Rainstorm. Teach him all that Echospots taught you. Also a warrior named Roaringriver and an apprentice named Riverpaw, Silverfrost. It's time for you to have your first apprentice, teach her all that Flareheart taught you. That is all."

Silverfrost, Stoneclaw, Flameangel, Shadowpaw, Riverpaw, Roaringrinver, Silverfrost, Stoneclaw, Flameangel, Shadowpaw, Riverpaw, Roaringriver

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year, Contest Winner and Assesments

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the briar branch for a clan meeting. Silverpaw and Stonepaw you will have your assessment today. Bring back as much prey as you can and you will become warrriors. One last thing, Goldenheart you are close to having kits so Mistypaw you will have a new mentor until Goldenheart is ready to become your mentor once again. Mistypaw your new mentor is Velvetsky." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Well another year has gone by, happy 2011 everyone!!! It's a new year and it's time for the winners to be revealed. For the fist picture its Brookstep with mouse hunting with to a whole level. The winner for the second picture is Aldo with Bill the Scientist. "It seems we accidently mixed the cat DNA with the centipede DNA." Ron the Scientist "We have created a new, one of a kind, creature. A "Kit-ipede!" Great job to all and Aldo and Brookstep, just ask for something, the only things I can't do is banners and buttons for some reason but anything else.