Medicine cat's den

Medicine cat's den with a stream running right next to it so the medicine cat's can have fresh water.


  1. leafdapple quietly chewed some herbs.she'd quickly moved back into her den with flamepaw after the fighting had stoped.she'd also treated most of the wounds everyone had.soon she herd uneven step and she reconized the scent."silverpaw,are you alright?"she asked turning to help the apprentice.

  2. once she'd helped silverpaw into her den she'd treated her and helped to her nest in the apprentice's den,when she came back she put away the herbs she'd used and turned tawards flamepaw."tonights the medecinecat gathering,we have to leave now."she mewed and then without waiti ng for a reply paded into the clearing and tawards the medecinecat gathering.

  3. leafdapple paded into her den after sparkstar's clan meeting.flamepaw's littermates had been made warriors.for a moment she felt bad for apprentice and decided on something.she'd give her apprentice one last training session in devence manuvers and then give her a chalenge if she did well on the chalege she'd give flamepaw her ful name.

  4. "Yes i found some! But very litlle stems. I thought that the root was the part that cures infection"

    "Who knows"

    "Can i have some thyme too, i want to sleep good tonight"

    "Go for it"

  5. (fh is Fallenheart, vs is Velvetsky)

  6. [oh ok.]

    leafdapple looks into her den."velvetsky?fallenheart?what are you doing in my den?"she asked wearily.

  7. leafdapple looked outside her den her gaze unreadable as she thought.i'm not as youg as i used to be and flameangle is more then ready to be medecinecat.yetshe held her self back from retiring.not yet.she told her self.

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